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Cross4Security is a pioneering service designed to transform cloud security through Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). It aims to streamline security operations by offering unified security recommendations, detailed security analyses, and comprehensive reports to address configuration vulnerabilities.

Security Score

The Security Score page displays the results of running specific benchmark rules across your provider accounts. Here, you can view your security score and details based on these benchmarks for each provider. You can also view remediations on how to address and fix identified errors and review actionable steps to improve your security posture.

Provider View / Benchmark View

In both view, you can see a list of benchmarks along with the counts of issues categorized by severity for each provider. This allows you to quickly identify and assess the security posture of your accounts based on the severity of detected issues. Also this page, offers the ability to examine benchmarks in greater detail and view remediations for any identified issues. This helps you understand the specific problems and provides guidance on how to address and fix them.

Benchmark Details

For the providers you've configured, we run benchmarks automatically every day to scan your assets based on these benchmark rules. To view the specific issues identified by each benchmark rule or to examine the benchmark rules in more detail:

  1. Go to the Security Score page from the navigation menu.
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  1. From the benchmark list on the Provider View page, click the View button next to the respective benchmark to see detailed information and identified issues.
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  1. On the newly opened page, you can see which rules apply to which assets and their respective statuses (Fail, Error, Info, Pass, Skip).

Getting Remediations

In our Security service, we provide remediation steps for the benchmark rules we run on your accounts. By following these remediation steps, you can enhance the security of your accounts. These steps are designed to help you address any identified vulnerabilities and ensure your accounts are secure. To see remediations:

  1. Go to the Security Score page form navigation menu.
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  1. From the benchmark list on the Provider View/ Benchmark View page, click the View button next to the respective benchmark to see detailed information and identified issues.
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  1. On the newly opened page, you will see the breakdown of the rules. To view the remediation steps, click on the Remediation button next to each rule.
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  1. After clicking the Remediation button, a pop-up window will appear with detailed steps. Follow these steps to secure your accounts effectively.
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Running Benchmarks

We run benchmarks automatically every day to scan your assets based on these benchmark rules. However, if you make adjustments based on our remediations or for your own purposes, you might want to check the new benchmark rule status. To do this, you can manually run the benchmarks. You can follow the instructions below to perform this action.

  1. Go to the Security Score page from the navigation menu.
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  1. From the benchmark list on the Provider View page, locate the benchmark you wish to run and click the Run button in the Action column next to it.
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  1. It will automatically start the process and you can view it from the Action column.

This action will execute the benchmark across all providers that support it.


On the Inventory page, we have created a list view that shows the number of assets based on each service type in your account. With the filtering feature, you can easily access detailed information about specific assets and counts.


On this page, you can configure the provider to be used under the related service by using the credentials obtained from providers. Alternatively, you can edit previously used credentials from this page.