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This service enables a centralized interface for visualizing the structure of Compute, Virtual Machines, or Instances across various cloud providers. Users can efficiently manage the functionalities of each component through this unified platform, ensuring streamlined operations and enhanced oversight.


  • Inside the Compute section, you can view all your instances and VMs filtered by region. We strive for consistency across regions among all three providers.

Therefore, If you don't see your instance listed, please check all available versions of the relevant region.

Instance Details

By clicking on the + button next to each instance in the instance list you can view more detailed information about that specific instance. Also you can monitor instances traffic (CPU Utilization, Disk Read/Write, Network In/Out) with graphs.

Instance Actions

Cross4Compute provides you with the ability to quickly start/stop your instances. You can perform basic operations (Start, Stop, Restart, Terminate) related to your instances directly from this page. For that:

  1. In the top right corner, navigate to the Region Selection section and select the region where your instance is located.
Show the instruction with images


  1. From the instance list displayed for the selected region, select the instance you want to perform operations on by clicking the checkbox next to it.
Show the instruction with images


  1. At the top of the page, click on the Actions bar. From the dropdown menu, select the desired action(Start, Stop, Restart, Terminate) you want to perform on the instance.
Show the instruction with images


After performing these steps, you can verify the success of the operation by checking the status of your instance.


On this page, you can configure the provider to be used under the related service by using the credentials obtained from providers. Alternatively, you can edit previously used credentials from this page.