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Cross4storage is a powerful service that enables users to leverage the strengths of multiple cloud providers for efficient and cost-effective object storage. In this section of troubleshooting guide, you will find comprehensive assistance in resolving common issues they may encounter while using Cross4storage. The guide aims to provide step-by-step instructions and practical tips to help users overcome challenges and ensure smooth operation of their object storage environment.

By following the troubleshooting recommendations in the guide, users will be able to diagnose and address common issues that may arise during their Cross4storage experience.


Existing bucket in provider does not appear in the list.

If you selected the 'I have bucket on ...' option when adding a new provider and can't see the required bucket:

  • Ensure that you have correctly followed the steps to obtain credentials from the relevant provider.
  • Check the accessibility settings of your bucket in the provider's console. Your account may not have the necessary roles to view the bucket.

Deleting a provider from the group.

Attempting to remove/delete a provider from the group can result in various errors due to multiple reasons.

  • Make sure that the provider you are trying to delete is not in an active state. This issue arises from our system's precautionary measures. We require users to deactivate a bucket before deletion to ensure that no background processes or operations are being performed on the active bucket.

  • If you try to delete or deactivate the bucket of the last provider within a group, these actions cannot be performed in order to preserve the integrity of the group structure. If you want to specifically remove this provider, you can do so by first adding another provider and then proceeding to delete the desired provider. This measure is taken to preserve the continuity of the group structure.


Additionally, the transition between the activate and deactivate options is executable within the group's Independent state.

Group Configuration

Can not change the group state to another.

If you are trying to move from an independent state to other states, you need to have at least two providers in the group due to the working architecture of other states. Please follow the steps below to ensure the necessary controls for this.

  • Please check you have more than one provider in configurations tab.
  • After confirming the number of providers, check if the attached providers are active. For Merge and Primary/Replica configurations, at least two providers must be active.

After making the checks, try the group configuration again. If you still have problems, please contact our support team.

Processing Delays

While using our Import Bucket / File Transfer service, you may experience longer processing times than expected. This is due to the system taking some time to complete the necessary preparations in the background. The system is closed after a certain period to avoid continued resource consumption, and it needs to be restarted for the subsequent operations.