Cross4FinOps is a role-based system tailored for different teams. It helps you track resource usage, manage requirements efficiently, and simplify processes. With clear visibility and easy management, Cross4FinOps optimizes your cloud resources for better efficiency.
Cannot assign a member to the unit.
- If you are trying to add a member to a unit and they are already registered in another unit, you will not be able to add them. Please check if the member is already registered in a different unit before proceeding.
Cannot create/delete units.
Due to our role-based system within the tenant, only users with an admin role can create or delete units. Users without admin privileges do not have the authority to perform these actions. If you need to create or delete a unit, please contact the tenant administrator for assistance.
Resource Assignment Not Visible in System
The reason why a resource assignment to a unit is not visible in the system may be that resource scans for each provider are performed every 15 minutes. It may take some time for the system to update and reflect new resource assignments. If the issue persists after this interval, please contact support for further assistance.
Request is not approved in system.
For resource requests you create in the system, approval from **two privileged roles ** (Admin or FinOps Manager) is required. You will see your request approved only after receiving two approvals.
If your resource request is based on an urgent need, you may want to highlight this in the Request Reason section when submitting your request to draw your manager's attention.
Cost Intelligence
The cost information on this page is provided for guidance purposes. Some price differences may occur due to the long delays in updates from providers. C4C monitors adjustments for the past 48 hours and presents you with the latest information.
I cannot see my Resource and Region in the table below.
Some providers do not provide those information, so you cannot see them.
Service configuration credentials error.
You are encountering this error likely because the credentials required to use our services were either not properly assigned the necessary permissions or were incorrectly configured. To resolve this, please visit the Getting Credentials page and the relevant section of the FinOps service documentation, and ensure that you have followed the steps correctly.
Another possible reason for this error is that the service provider for which you're attempting to configure settings in your Cross4Cloud account hasn't been properly managed within your account. To fix this issue, follow these steps:
By clicking the icon on the right top, go to your account settings.
Select Service Configuration from the navigation menu.
Go to the ID Management tab.
On this page, check if the necessary ID information for the provider you are trying to configure has been entered. If you haven't filled in this information, please follow the instructions here to provide the required details.
Even if you have entered the ID information for the relevant provider, the credentials you are using might not belong to the account associated with this ID. Please check the ID information and ensure that your credentials match the correct account.