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This comprehensive resource is designed to assist you in resolving any challenges you may encounter while using our powerful multi-cloud computing service. Whether you're new to Cross4Compute or a seasoned user, this guide aims to provide clear and effective solutions to common issues.


In Cross4compute, we provide you with the capability to manage your instances and monitor relevant metrics from the available providers.

Instance Not Appearing in the List

In some cases, you may find that the instance you are trying to access is not in the list. There may be a few main reasons for this situation. You can solve this problem by providing the following checks.

  • When we show you the instance information we receive from your providers, we list it on a region basis. Make sure you select the correct region for the instance you want to reach.

  • Make sure you have the necessary permissions for the instance you are trying to access. You can check user permissions from proivder's site.

If your problem still persists after providing these checks, you can contact us .

Missing Information in Instance Details

In certain instances within the Cross4Compute platform, detailed information about instances may display as "N/A" (Not Available). This occurs when specific details are not provided by the respective cloud providers. While we strive to present comprehensive information, certain data points may be unavailable due to limitations beyond our control.

Instance Type Unavailability

In certain scenarios on the Cross4Compute platform, you may encounter instances where the Instance Type is displayed as NOT AVAILABLE. This occurrence can be attributed to various factors, including instances where the cloud provider has altered, updated, or performed other operations on the instance, resulting in a lack of a corresponding instance type in our system.

If you come across an instance where the Instance Type is displayed as NOT AVAILABLE, we encourage you to report this to our support team. Your feedback is valuable in enhancing our system.

Reach out to our support team at and provide details about the specific instance. Your input helps us update our system to reflect the most accurate and current information.


When you contact us regarding this issue, it is important that you attach relevant supporting documents or images whenever possible. This will contribute to a faster and more effective resolution of the issue. Documentation or images can be in the form of screenshots, error messages or related files. Please remember to include this information when creating your support request.

Missing Metrics in Monitoring Section

Within the Cross4Compute platform's instance monitoring section, you may notice instances where certain metrics, such as CPU Utilization, Disk Read/Write, and Network In/Out metrics, are not available for display. This can occur when:

  • Provider Limitations: Certain cloud providers may not expose all metrics for every instance, leading to gaps in the monitoring data.
  • Instance-Specific Constraints: Some instances may not support certain metrics due to their type, configuration, or operational state.

You can check the documentation of your cloud provider to ensure that the selected instance type supports the desired metrics.

Instance Management Issues

You can manage instances by starting or stopping them using buttons in our system. However, there may be instances where clicking the buttons does not reflect the desired state change. This can be attributed to various factors. One common factor is provider-specific delays; some cloud providers may have inherent delays in processing start or stop requests, leading to a delay in state changes. If you encounter a delay in state changes after clicking the 'Start' or 'Stop' button, wait for a few minutes and retry the operation.